King Solomon writes-
Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble.
I am learning this everyday as we navigate our way through a different culture and a foreign land. A great adjustment we have made in living in this beautiful land the Lord has called us to is learning to be dependent on others– in almost everything we do. This can be real fruitful in most cases and very humbling (borderline frustrating) in others. Uprooting our family from the familiar to the unknown has been quite the ride and an adventure I have learned much from. A few of the adjustments we’ve made for you “list” people…you know who you are:
Different food
New language (verbal and body)
Concept of time
Toilet Paper in the trash
Washing dishes with cold water
Attitudes of relaxation
The list is definitely an abbreviated one. At first glance, through an American eye, this may seem to be a list of negatives. On the contrary. I am learning so much on accident it isn’t even funny. How strange! I have been conditioned to learn on purpose and living with intention is very important to me. I value my upbringing and everything my parents brought to the table for my brain and personality to digest; it has formed me into who I am today.
I love the fact that I don’t have to choose between cultures.
God has created me to be able to do ALL things through Him! Depending not only on Him, but others as well has been my growth adjustment during this foundational season of life. Learning to relax and discover that there are other ways of doing life and ministry effectively than the American way has stretched me in more ways than one.
Learning from the ant has been invaluable. It is easier, more effective and refreshing to co-labor with others to expand His kingdom. I now make it a point to minister along side Brazilians to better relate to the people God has called me to. I am not required or expected to be the great white hope or reinvent the wheel. I don’t desire to Americanize– I desire to show Jesus. He goes way beyond geographical or cultural borders. How refreshing. Collaboration is God’s design.
Ronald Reagan is attributed to have once quipped, “There is no limit to the amount of good you can do if you don’t care who gets the credit.”
Application time–
Who are you working with? What adjustment are you avoiding?
Is pride or the fear of the unknown stopping you? Do you really care who receives the credit if lives are transformed and eternities changed? Who will you collaborate with this week?
All valid questions for the world changer that is called to transform their world.