Most everyone I know can benefit from improved relationships. Whether it be with your friends, employer, employee or your spouse. I would like to provide you with a full proof way to be LIKABLE and also show you what makes you a walking repellant. We all have blind spots so let’s expose them. Here we go–
1. Texting while talking
I am old school in my thinking and hypocritical in my actions. I hate when a person I am conversing with is texting, checking e-mail or browsing photos on their smart phone while I am talking. But, I am so guilty of checking baseball scores and social media during date night with my wife. I am a work in progress.
*Remedy— Self-discipline. Just do it. Show value to the other person you are talking with by silencing your phone and placing it in your pocket or purse. It will be a great sign of respect.
2. Talking about yourself– ALL the time
It is true– everyone’s favorite subject is himself or herself. I, I, I, me, me, me and on it goes. Even when you stop speaking for a few seconds to take a breath you are thinking of what YOU are going to say instead of listening to the other person.
*Remedy— Relax and breathe. Listen to what the other person is saying. Listen with your ears, mind and posture. Do not cross your arms. Stand in a relaxed posture and don’t rehearse your response to their comment while they are still speaking. Developing your listening skills will increase your intelligence.
3. Controlling the conversation
di·a·logue or di·a·log (d -lôg , -l g ). n. 1. A conversation between two or more people. Listening is as equally important as talking. Do not be a word hog or conversation bully.
*Remedy— It is amazing how much more we learn when our mouth is closed. If every conversation you have with every friend has an agenda to it that will only benefit you—you are on the way to relational destruction.
4. Disrespecting TIME
This is much more than a person being late once or twice. I am pointing towards the one that is habitually late. And they don’t even care. It is actually a sign of their immaturity, self-centeredness, and poor character.
*Remedy–Don’t over commit yourself. Don’t tell someone you will be there at a certain time just to make them feel better. You are being counterproductive and the opposite is happening. If it is a habit—you are losing trust and your integrity is taking a hit. Set your alert on your phone 10 minutes early, have your assistant call and remind you. Be practical and do something—quick!
5. Forgetting to honor
How many times does a relationship grow cold due to the lack of honor? It is normally due to true forgetfulness and not really a lack of honor or appreciation.
*Remedy-– Remember important dates, favorite eating establishments and hobbies. This is not bribing someone to remain in relationship with you, it is honoring and placing value on them as a friend. Return phone calls, emails and communicate clearly. It is what you expect so do it unto others. Honor produces honor.
I realize every relationship is not the same and therefore boundaries differ. I challenge you to today to work on your relationships with intent and excellence.
Please add to the list or discuss in the comments. I want to know your thoughts and grow from your experiences.