Here are some thoughts today. These are random. No tying it all together at the end. No rhyme or reason. Just jotted thoughts.
Building relationships takes time. No way around it. I know, it bums me out too. Time is a great commodity.
I have a weakness. I am very naive. I believe the best in all people. I trust too many people. I get jacked often. And yet I continue to like, trust and believe in people. It is what I do and who I am.
Building takes time. Effective building takes skill. Long term relationships require time, skill and sacrifice.
I have a knack for seeing through the dirt and finding the gold in others. I do this by faith. It takes trust, practice and patience.
We have to see each other in faith to prophesy the Father’s heart.
Some thoughts on Gossip:
Gossip sucks.
I have watched gossip devastate and destroy. Gossip is sinful and evil.
There are two sides to every story. Proverbs 18:17 says, “The first to speak sounds right – until the cross~examination begins.” People rarely know the whole story and all the details even if what they are gossiping about has a grain of truth.
Gossip, true or false, destroys reputations. Even if gossip about someone is proven to be false, it plants a seed of doubt in the heart of its listeners that is practically impossible to be rooted out.
Gossip can never be taken back once it’s released. Yes, gossip sucketh.
If you hear something and wonder if it’s true, go straight to the subject and find out – and tell the gossiper that’s what you’re going to do.
Don’t allow them to continue. If someone is our sister or brother in the body of Christ, we owe them enough respect and honor to protect them and stop character assassination. Use the principle of Matthew 18:15 to stop this foolishness.
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the impossible. I have encountered many situations in my life that I thought there was no way out. The Lord has proven time and time again that He loves to break through what I believe to be impossible.
My natural instinct is to formulate my way around the seemingly impossible. My supernatural DNA reminds me He is the one that erases the impossible….not me. When I rest in His presence and allow Him to work through me is when I see unfailing results.
Navigating in unknown waters has become very common for me. I actually think things are wrong and not His plan if I can figure it out on my own.
I embrace mystery and dive into uncertainty– by faith.
I know, it is very crazy. The more you do it the easier it becomes.
What’s on your mind today? Jot some random thoughts in the comment section. Let’s learn together.