Connect- It’s a Matter of Life and Death

The title may seem melodramatic, but when you think about it—Connection brings life and isolation will eventually lead to death.  In life we all have the responsibility to connect. Being a connector isn’t reserved for a personality type, it is bestowed upon us all. Even the introverted have a desire to connect; they just appreciate their space and alone time. Let’s explore the importance of connection and how to better connect…



1.    Communicate

Good communication is key to being a connector. Although you may not be aware of your influence, everything you say and do shapes people’s feelings and opinions about you and helps them decide whether or not to work with you or oppose you. Understanding this can inspire you to craft words and actions that send clear messages and help others to trust you. Communication is key to connecting.

2.    Courage

I served as an associate pastor for 11 years, and 5 of those 11 years I was the Connections Pastor. My duties included connecting guests to our leadership and church, connecting existing members to each other, new people and to the church and ultimately connecting people to a relationship with Jesus Christ. That’s a whole lot of connecting going on! By nature, I am a people person. It didn’t take much courage for me to connect. But, encouraging others to be courageous enough to connect was challenging. The downside of being a connector is others expect you to do all the connecting.

A connector always empowers others to have the courage to connect.

I remember having to get very practical in teaching others how to physically posture themselves to appear welcoming. I had to instruct not to screen others out of conversations and not to gather into a holy huddle.

It seems so obvious to a relational person—But not everyone has this awareness. It is simple to become a clique. It takes zero courage on your part once you become part of the “In Crowd”. It is not Biblical to exclude others and turn your church into a club. Have courage, be intentional and start connecting!

3.    Don’t be a CONnector

Believe me when you read this: People can sniff out a fake from a million miles away. Please, for the sake of everyone involved—Be Real!

If you desire to connect with others to only advance your agenda, to only receive something in return from the relationship or to increase your friends count on social media– STOP!

The art of connection is not the same as building your MLM down-line or pyramid! This is not authentic connection. Life is about giving value to others, for other so they can be better because you poured your heart, soul and time into them.

Imagine if your ability to connect was literally the bridge between life and death.

Here is some advice from Richard Mullender- Former Lead Trainer at the Scotland Yard Hostage Crisis Negotiation Unit.

When you communicate your ideas clearly, specifically, visually, in the context of the other persons values, beliefs and view of life, you significantly increase the value of your ideas

 In other words, it is all about them.  It is not about you.

Get involved in a life group at your local church, connect with like-minded people through your community, call your long lost friend–connect today.

What practical ways do you connect?