We will be ministering at the
Evangelical Pastors and Ministers Counsel in Caçapava, São Paulo.
The Lord has opened doors and we will be traveling to the city of Caçapava. We have been invited to speak to the Pastors and Minister of Caçapava on the subject of unity. Please be praying as we prepare for this meeting. The next Sunday we will be ministering at the Sara Nossa Terra church in Caçapava and are expecting heaven to come down.
Please agree with us for the following:
-A true baptism of love and unity
-Souls to come into the Kingdom
-Physical healing and miracles
-Safe travels to and from Caçapava

This is a School of Prophets and we are honored to be able to teach Saturday night and three sessions on Sunday. Equipping the body of Christ is our goal and we are anticipating great things.
Thank you so much for your prayers. This is going to be a monumental week for those being introduced to the King and for those being healed, delivered and baptized in His love.
We could not continue to be carriers of the Kingdom without your prayers and support. We are forever grateful!
Tom and Bernice