“Today’s the best day of my life!”
A few weeks ago we were in the coastal town of Santos in São Paulo doing our 3 day School of Healing.
A lady brought her young child for prayer. The little girl was about 18 months. She only had 1 eye and was losing the vision in that eye. Her other eye socket was hollow since birth. She was being prepped for a prosthetic eye in the upcoming weeks.
We prayed the prayer of faith. I laid my hands on her eye socket and spoke to it. I told the eye socket it would have an eye and it that it would be a creative miracle because Jesus is just that good.
I saw the eye socket turn a little purple and commanded activity in Jesus name.
The mother went home with her family believing that Jesus had healed her daughter.
I received a report Friday night about the girls Dr. visit. Her MRI revealed nerves forming and a little, tiny eyeball!! They cannot give her a glass eye because she now has a little eye growing in her eye socket! Thank you JESUS!
They are going to give her some type of stem cell procedure to help develop the growth of her brand new eyeball! Creative miracles are so much fun! Glory to our King!
This is what her mother messaged us: esse é o meu DEUSSSSSSSSS DO IMPOSSÌVELLLLLLLLLLLL!
É o nosso DEUS, pois a fé de uma mãe é mais forte q td nesse universo!!!!
Translation: This is my GOD OF THE IMPOSSIBLE!! This is our God, it is the faith of a mother that is stronger than everything in the universe!!!
Simply amazing!
Please continue to pray for the continued healing and development of Ana Clara’s new eye.
Meet Rodrigo. He is from the city of Taubaté in São Paulo. We had a School of Healing in his church earlier this year. He had a lump on his knee that was the size of an orange. He was in so much pain that he could not walk without assistance and was unable to work.
We laid our hands on him and declared that every knee shall bow at the name of Jesus. Today the lump is completely gone and he is walking everywhere, back to work and filled with joy! Thank you Jesus!
This is just part of our ministry in Brazil. Please continue to pray as Jesus continues to heal. If you would like to partner with us to make this ministry possible, please click the DONATE button below. It is supporters like you that make it possible for us to travel our region and conduct our Schools of Healing.
We love you all and are very grateful for your prayers, encouragement and financial support.
Tom, Bernice and the kids