Ever wonder, “What would you pack if you were trekking down the Amazon?” Well, this is your chance to find out. This is my Amazon load-out kit. Outdoor aficionados, this is for you.
Everything fits into a nice backpack and duffle bag. The weight allowance for in-country travel in Brazil is 23 kg/51 lb.
International flights to Brazil are allowed 2 pieces at 70 lbs each and 1 carryon. I still recommend limiting yourself to 50 lb. (unless it is filled with blueberry pop tarts and maple syrup:)) Visit my other post to learn about the 5 killer apps I use as a missionary.
Here is my Load Out Kit
This is the backpack I have been using for the last 5 years or so. It doubles as my carry-on. It is a Swiss Gear Travel back pack and I absolutely love it. It has proven durable to me… all the zippers function, seams are in tact and back the cushion padding on the back is still cushiony. It has just enough pockets for me to distribute the weight evenly. I think I paid about $75 bucks for it. You can get one now for less than $60 on Amazon.com
My good friend Steve Downey has been down the Amazon with me many times. He has a website that highlights his expertise as a researcher and water guy! Here is a link to his site: WATER GUY I introduce you to Steve because he is the one who introduced me to the Condor Jungle Sleeping Bag. It weighs about 48 ounces and fits in the bottom of my backpack. Small and light! It has a mosquito net that zips over the top of where your head is. It also fits perfect length wise in my jungle hammock. Steve gave me mine as a gift!! Yes!!
I switched to this hammock this year. It weighs 12 ounces and stuff size is 4×8 inches. It holds up to 250 pounds…. I guess I am safe in this regard:) It does make a swishing noise when you turn during the night. That is the only complaint I have. With me–it is all about saving space and this does the trick.
Justin Meyer of Project Hope donated this handheld spotlight. We use it for cayman spotting. Check out our post with a picture of me kissing the head of a small cayman. It has proven to be durable and has been down the river at least 4 trips. It is rechargeable and comes with a 12 volt cigarette lighter charger too. I especially like it because it weighs less than 2 pounds. Justin told me he picked it up at Harbor Freight for like $15 or so. Great bargain!
I know what you are thinking… you shave on the Amazon River??
I do.
We normally have church services at night, so I try to be presentable and, if the truth be known, I itch and scratch like crazy after a week of scruff on the jaw line. Duck Dynasty I am not.
I use this beauty at home too. It was a Christmas gift from my wife. You can use it dry or wet. I just rub it across the grill twice a week and have been really happy with it. I charge it about every two weeks.
SHAMWOW!! As Seen on TV!!
You bet! Hahahaha!! I love my sham wow! I use it as a bath towel. It packs so small and dries so quick! AND– It holds 10 times it weight in liquid! Yes! Actually, I have had mine for over 5 years now and it isn’t quite what it used to be. It takes much longer to dry and absorbs very little. I may have to go back to the traditional bath towel. Ugghh!!! So much space!
I plan on listing more at a later date. Please post any questions or comments below. What do you think you need to survive in the jungle?
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