Winter in Brazil…
Suffering for Jesus in 70˚ weather
Now that is what I call favor. I know most of you reading this are probably sitting in an air conditioned room and catching relief from your summer heat.
We thought we would send you a quick recap of what we have been up to and show you that your support is expanding the Kingdom here in Brazil.
The last few months have been busy, but fruitful. A friend of ours traveled and loaned us her car for a few weeks! It was amazing. We were able to travel outside of our city and conduct two regional Schools of Healing. What a blessing! It is so easy to take automobiles for granted, but a vehicle is a great tool to bring freedom to the captives.
Our travels took us to São Paulo where we were able to minister in 4 churches in 3 days. Many were healed, saved and identities were restored. Below is a picture of Bernice releasing a prayer of purity. Many were waiting outside the church–after midnight, to receive prayer. They are hungry for city wide transformation!
The 3 day School of Healing in the city of Pindamonhangaba was an amazing time.
The church where we conducted the school was hungry to see the transformation of their city. Students were empowered,equipped, trained and sent out into the streets of Pindamonhangaba.
This was the first time the church had done any type of evangelism as a group. It was wonderful to be a pivotal part.
The students were trained in prophetic evangelism and treasure hunting. In this picture they were practicing praying for the sick before we hit the streets. It was the lab time that lifted their faith and confidence.
Knees, backs, shoulders and feet were healed! Praise God.
These were the instantaneous miracles that took place. Many people were prayed for and were instructed to return to the Doctor to verify their healing. As those reports come in we will pass them on to you.
30 people/students showed up ready to hit the streets on Sunday afternoon. Two groups were sent to the shopping mall and two groups to the park to do some “treasure hunting” and pray for healing. Many divine connections were made and people encountered a loving Father in the park and at the mall.
It’s a little comical that the day God sent us to evangelize in the park the city was having an Arts festival. We had no idea these Arts included witchcraft, macumba and dancing that conjures up spirits.
One of the girls on the Evangilism team named Bea approached a young woman who was in obvious pain. She asked her what was going on with her leg because the young woman was limping.
Suzy responded (we will call her Suzy, not her real name), “My knee hurts and goes out on me a lot. I have been to several doctors, and none of them can seem to find the problem.”
Bea told Suzy, “I know a guy who can heal you.
Suzy asked, “Who? Who is this guy?”
Bea responded, “Jesus! Can I pray for you?”
Suzy responded, “Yes, but I have been prayed for in the past, and it didn’t help.”
Bea stated, “This time, you will be healed!”
Guess what happened. Bea prayed for Suzy, and she was instantly healed!
Praise God! As it turns out, Suzy was one of the dancers.
Bea told her, “Today you will dance for Jesus.”
Suzy was jumping up and down shouting “Jesus healed me!”.
14 water filters delivered in the Amazon and the blind see!
Wow! Your prayers and financial support sent us 14 hours down the Amazon River to deliver water filters and the Kingdom! We experienced a move of God as He opened blind eyes and several Apurinã Indians gave their heart to Christ.
We delivered the Good News of Salvation and healing. Ten minutes after docking the boat, we prayed for a lady who was sitting on the porch of her home. She could see shadows and had extremely blurred vision.
We laid hands upon her and released the touch of Jesus. She smiled as her sight was restored! Praise God!
We were blown away with the hospitality of the Apurinã tribe. They fed us well, provided us the best sleeping quarters and were very receptive to the Gospel. I would encourage you to read Bernice’s blog from her perspective. CLICK HERE to read of the miracles, fire ants and flip flops.
Please know we are grateful for each one of you and are delighted you are on this journey along side of us! Together we can change our world!
Tom and Bernice and the kids