I feel like I’m stuck in “Opposite Day”!




So, we live in Brazil. We moved our family to a place where everything we had ever known, now seems to have no relevance.   And the way we used to do things…no longer works.

Oh, it’s true! Sometimes I feel like we are stuck in “opposite day”! Don’t get me wrong we love it here and we love the people! It’s just that our way of thinking and doing things has had to be adjusted in order for us to function here with out losing our minds=)

Not because everything is wrong here…but because it’s different.

For example, we have learned to show up late! A half an hour late is now our time frame for arriving at events. One hour late would be best, but we are still being stretched in this area… Lol!!

I am also trying to adapt and stick to the typical Brazilian meal schedule. Which means eating a “dinner-like” lunch, and a late “lunch-like” dinner. It makes it so much easier when we are connecting and spending time with others over meals.

If we stay in tune with the rhythm of life here, things just go smoother.

Making changes was overwhelming at first. I expected to make adjustments and adapt to new things, but I didn’t foresee that everyone experiencing changes and adapting at the same time would cause the amount of stress it did. The examples I used were little things that I had to change. Easy peesie! But there were other things that required many “self talks” and God talks!

It’s a journey and I am glad that I decided to get into the boat! But It’s not a choice I made just once…I have to choose to get in that boat every day. That’s what it’s all about…..that’s the point….choosing to go after your dream even when it’s difficult! Making adjustments and learning new things is not always easy, but necessary if you want to get to where God is leading you.

I refer to these two texts often during my “self talks”….I hope they encourage you also!

Joshua 1:9

“This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”


2 Timothy 1:7

For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and a sound mind.

Please feel free to share a time when you had to make a difficult adjustment or sacrifice to get to where God was leading you.

Thank you for stopping by=D