This post is about the 3 blogs that transform my thinking. Discovering the way I think and learn was a process. There are many methods: listening to podcasts, watching video blogs, webinars, etc. Books and Blogs are most effective for me. I seem to retain more. And when you get to be my age– it is all about retention. Small things like taking 10-15 minutes per day can make a big difference!
Here are 3 blogs I follow faithfully that have helped me in my journey to become better.
Blog #1
Dan Rockwell and his blog Leadership Freak knock it out of the ballpark every day. His posts are perfect for me due to my very small attention span. He keeps every post to 300 words. How he does that is a mystery, but I know one thing- after reading his posts, I feel empowered. His perspective is one that I can apply cross culturally, which means it is relevant and useful. His language is simple, to the point and his commenters on his blog are always entertaining. The one thing I appreciate about Dan is that he responds to his commenters. Check him out when you get the chance- you won’t be sorry.
Blog #2
Seth Godin is one of my favorites. His blog is one that challenges my thinking the most. I do not always agree with him, but that is what makes him so interesting to me. He has a fresh way of looking at things. He has a style that seems to go against the flow. Often times his words just spew common sense. That is what keeps me hooked– His creativity and his practicality.
If you get a chance, check out his books Tribes and Linchpin. For a quick read that will blow you away in just 96 pages, read Poke the Box.
His posts are short and power packed. Here is his last one:
Your choice
Habits are a choice
Giving is a choice
Reactions are a choice
Ideas are a choice
Connections are a choice
Reputation is a choice
The work is a choice
Words are a choice
Leading is a choice
No one can be responsible for where or how we each begin. No one has the freedom to do anything or everything, and all choices bring consequences. What we choose to do next, though, how to spend our resources or attention or effort, this is what defines us.
Blog #3
Dr. Maxwell is the master. He is so rich with leadership nuggets. If there were a picture definition of Leadership- I am sure you would find his head shot. He has written 11 quadrazillion books on leadership. Not really. But he could if that were a real number. He takes a word and gives a leadership definition and then empowers and challenges you to apply a principle that is connected with the word. It is under 2 minutes. I have incorporated this into my daily growth plan. After your morning devotions I would say this is a must to transform your thinking to be better.
How are you growing? Please leave suggestions, recommendations or comments below.