3 Reasons Your Marriage Needs the Local Church


Your marriage is amazing. The local church is amazing. It is a place to gather and worship collectively. It is a place that provides encouragement, equipping and tools to lead a successful life. Before we list the 3 Reasons Your Marriage Needs the Local Church, let’s read what the author of Hebrews states about the local church:

So let’s do it—full of belief, confident that we’re presentable inside and out. Let’s keep a firm grip on the promises that keep us going. He always keeps his word. Let’s see how inventive we can be in encouraging love and helping out. Not avoiding worshiping together, as some do, but spurring each other on, especially as we see the big Day approaching.

I’m living proof the local church will benefit marriage. How?? Here are 3 Reasons Your Marriage Needs the Local Church-

Reason #1-  Unity

Your marriage needs unity. It seems obvious, but for many it is a pipe dream or a forgotten hope. When you attend your local church- together as a couple- you become focused on the same cause with the same purpose. You have an opportunity to serve together. I remember serving with my wife together at homeless outreaches through our local church. We learned about each other as we served together. We discovered the gifting we had, individually and collectively. We enjoyed being together in this context and our local church was healthy and provided many opportunities for us to serve together.

When you attend a local church together, you both listen to the same teachings, sermons and life applications of the Bible. You are on the same page and this unites you in spirit.

Reason #2- Friendships

Married couples need other married couples. I cannot understate this. When Christian couples connect with other Christian couples, a synergy is created. You realize others may be going through some of the challenges marriage often brings. A sense of fullness becomes present because you are able to fellowship with like-minded couples. This is important for accountability, encouragement, and of course, enjoyment. When you gather at your local church, not only are friendships created between couples, but also individually. Men need Godly men to spur them on and women need other Christian women for the same reason. Your marriage will be on the path of great success when you are sharpened by other couples with the same values and beliefs. The local church needs to be a priority in every marriage.

Reason #3- Purpose

Your local church will aid you in discovering your ultimate purpose as a couple-To bring God glory. I believe God’s purpose for the local church is to be a place of encouragement. Whose marriage needs a little encouragement? Mine does. I believe its purpose is to provide a healthy place to serve your community, each other and God. The local church is not just a place to receive, but a place to give as well.  You need the local church and the local church needs you. It is the same with your marriage. You learn to give and to receive and this brings a health that is not discovered or fully experienced outside of the local church. The local church will provide purpose to your marriage that you will find to be priceless.


It is never to late to revive you marriage. Prioritize by doing what is right. Place value on what is important to the heart of God. The local church and your marriage are very important to God. Go to church- Get involved in Church- you will find your marriage will be so much better.