I have always been known as a talker– hardly ever at a loss for words, for sure. I consider myself a communicator. As a matter of fact, you are a communicator too. We communicate everyday wether we are aware of it or not. My situation is unique. I communicate in a world that does not speak my language. I am learning to shut up and slow down. I have navigated myself into, through and around predicaments that have turned out to be quite humorous. I have accidentally cussed at a pastor— not just a little curse word, I’m talking full blown f-bomb dropping.
I used to mispronounce my close Brazilian friends name and called him “Lunch” on accident. I would ask his wife where Lunch was… she seemed quite flustered that I was expecting her to prepare lunch every time I saw her. With my personality, boldness and curiosity–everyday is a new adventure.
I am relearning how to communicate!
Slow Down
As a disciple of Jesus, my heart is to model what He did on earth. His mandate was to do what He saw His Father doing. It seems so easy, but it takes a skill that most Americans lack. The ability to SLOW DOWN.
I have a passion for the people of the Amazon. In the picture above I am showing a young man how to use the water filter my supporters provided for him and his family. I am showing him step-by-step. Without words. My actions, heart and love are saying much more than my words could ever express.
Living in Brazil has taught me a very valuable lesson. Talk is cheap. People in this culture actually care for each other and live life together. Sure, it messes with productivity (in the minds of most of the world) and sure it takes patience. I have enough stories to fill up a library about my frustration with this “slow cook” culture. Give me a microwave! I love systems that function without having to rely on or even relate to the human side. The introverted part of me would love to do life digitally– email, text message, social media and if necessary- Skype or FaceTime. BUT, that is not modeled to me through the life of my big brother Jesus.
Jesus related to people because He was with people. Transformation happened because He took time to minister, care for and love.
I am learning to speak Portuguese at a much slower rate than I ever imagined. I am also learning the verbal communication is just a small part of telling His story. Transform nations by learning to communicate cross-culturally. You don’t have to move to another country to experience another culture–open your eyes and heart. There is someone who needs you in your own neighborhood. Speak loudly without words. In the words of my big brother- “Go.”
How do you communicate effectively? Would you be willing to leave a few practical tips in the comment section below?