Here are 3 practical ways to increase your JQ. You may be wondering what the heck JQ is and why would you want to increase it. Let me say this: if you don’t work at raising your JQ your existence will be incomplete, miserable and very sad.
JQ is your Joy Quotient
1. Connect with People (Real People…not Virtual People)
Most people that lack joy are very lonely. It is a choice. It has nothing to do with your personality. Look around and observe. Shy people have friends. Get out of your rut by being friendly and relational. Even if you think you are awkward, take a risk and connect with other people. Proverbs 18:24 says A man who has friend must himself be friendly.
“The best way to cheer yourself is to try to cheer someone else up.”
– Mark Twain
Many people in leadership positions live by the belief that they don’t have time for relationships. They are some of the saddest and most lonely people I know. Dr. Henry Clouds states that every person has the capacity to be in relationship with 140-150 others. Of course, there are levels of relationship, but the point is we all have the capacity.
And then there is this-
“It is not good for man to be alone…” -God
2. Give
A couple of weeks ago I was feeling depressed, alone and a bit sad. My apartment was filled with four teenage boys and my 6 year old daughter. Plenty of laughter and joy. I was not experiencing their joy. My wife was in California and I was missing her. I had to break out of my funk. I walked to the corner store to use the ATM inside. I updated my status on Facebook about what happened
I gave my way into joy! You should have heard the rejoicing of the recipient. That alone was worth it. The $80 I received in return was just the goodness of God coming through as he always does.
It isn’t just funds either. Give your time to your local church, community center or shelter. Give your way into joy!
3. Get Outside
Sunshine is an incredibly effective antidote to depression. Raise your JQ by going for a walk. Soak in some sun rays. Get your heart pumping. Let that oxygen begin to flow into your brain and the creativity will kickstart and your JQ will increase. There is something about getting outside that will wake up your joy senses.
If you want to live ridiculously joyful you can do all three.
Connect with someone, give something away and get outside!
Let me know how you increase your JQ by leaving a comment below.